Unitarians | Unitarisme
Vanaf de oprichting van het Arminius Instituut is er aandacht voor de Unitariërs, partners van de Remonstranten in de IARF vanaf de oprichting in Boston (1900). Dit deelproject wordt geleid door drs. Tina Geels. Tevens gebruiken we dit netwerk voor onze bijdrage aan het Bridging Gaps-uitwisselingsprogramma van de VU. Voor het tweede jaar op rij ontvingen we in 2017 gedurende drie maanden een Hongaars-Roemeense Unitarische theologiestudent.
Unitarians / Universalists
Onder het project valt de studie van nieuwe theologische ontwikkelingen bij de UU, Unitarians and Universalists, verenigd vanaf 1995 in de ICUU, lees hier hun ‘purposes and principles. Anderzijds wordt verdere studie gedaan en gefaciliteerd naar de traditie van het Unitarisme en de contacten met de Remonstranten. Tina schreef in 2003: Tochtgenoten in vrijzinnigheid. De Unitarische Kerk in Transsylvanië.
The Heart of Unitarian/Universalism:
International Council of Unitarians and Universalits 2018 Council Meeting & Conference
In order to fulfill the Mission of the ICUU to sustain and grow our global faith we wish to better articulate what our global faith is. During the 2018 International Council of Unitarians and Universalists we will explore the multifaceted nature of our global faith. We will hear from several keynote speakers each speaking not only to the unique expression of Unitarian/Universalism in their faith community, but also to how we bridge the differences of our faith expressions in order to become a stronger, more united voice for religious freedom in our world. We will invite Unitarians and Universalists from our global community to offer workshops and trainings that will deepen our connections to one another as well as strengthen our diverse identity as religious liberals. Participants will gain experience in multicultural religious conversation and be invited to explore how to take those skills back to their faith communities. We invite you to join us for our 2018 Conference being held for the first time in the Khasi Hills of India where they have been living Unitarian/Universalist values and faith for generations. We will gather for learning and inspiration, worship and conversation, and of course, good food, all in a beautiful corner of India. REGISTRATION OPENS 15 MAY 2017
IARF Conferences 2018:
- We are pleased to announce the theme of the Interfaith Conference that will incorporate the 35th World Congress of the IARF: Reimagining Interfaith Cooperation. The Conference, to be held on 29 July – 1 August 2018 in Washington DC, USA, is a joint effort of the IARF, the Unitarian Universalist Association, our member group, the United Religions Initiative, the United Church of Christ and Religions for Peace. We’re very excited to be working with so many fantastic partners and hope to meet you all in Washington next year. The venue of the Conference, one of local Universities, will be announced in October, which is also when registration will open. The registration fee is 325 USD per person and 100 USD for young adults (under 35), and includes meals as well as local transportation and conference kit. Updates, including names of speakers, detailed programme and helpful practical information, will be posted on the Conference’s website, www.reimagineinterfaith.org, as well as IARF’s website, www.iarf.net – both will be regularly updated. You can pre-register to receive notifications.
Unitarianism on video
Zie Many Flames, One Faith: The Story of the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists. “In just twelve minutes you can learn how it began, witness what it does today and hear plans for the future.”
Onderzoek Tina Geels
Onderzoek naar de contacten van Remonstranten met Unitariërs in de jaren ’50 en ’60 van de vorige eeuw. Deze internationale contacten van Remonstranten zoals o.a. zichtbaar binnen de IARF vanaf de oprichting in 1900, worden onderzocht in relatie tot de positionering van de Remonstranten op het speelveld van de internationale vrijzinnigheid. In voorbereiding artikel: More than Friendship? Analyse van de contacten Remonstranten en Unitariërs op het speelveld van de internationale vrijzinnigheid aan de hand van een aantal belangrijke IARF congressen tussen 1949- 1963. In hoeverre is er sprake van een koerswijziging bij de Remonstranten na de oprichting van de Wereldraad van Kerken (1948) tot aan Vaticanum II (1962- ’65)? Met specifieke aandacht voor L.J. van Holk (Nederland), J. L. Adams (US) en J. Erdö (Roemenië) en hun visie op de mens.
Lees hier het artikel Surprise Again over haar werkbezoek, januari 2015, aan de Hongaarse Unitariërs in Cluj, Roemenië (Protestants Theologisch Instituut van Cluj-Napoca, Kolozsvár).
Online informatie, verslagen, notities betr. het Unitarisme
Een deel van de digitale bibliotheek van Tina Geels is hier online beschikbaar.
Het betreft:
1. Conferenties
Hier is materiaal te vinden over
– IARF Taiwan 2006
– Conferenties Remomstranten en Unitariërs Transsylvanië 2005-2007
– De Vrouwenconferentie Remomstranten en Unitariërs Transsylvanië 2005-2007
– ICUU 2010 Rolduc en ICUU 2012
2. Lezingen, toespraken, preken
Lezingen en toespraken, waaronder preken in Roemenië
3. Recente publicaties van Tina Geels
Bijdragen aan tijdschriften en boeken van Remonstranten en Vrijzinnigen Nederland
Orsolya Farkas is our second Unitarian student, who will take part in the VU project Bridging Gaps. Orsolya, 27 years old, belongs to the HUC, Hungarian Unitarian Church (Founded in 1568). She follows her master program at the Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj- Napoca in Romania. Her research area is: public relations and mediation of the church towards society. Topic: Examples of PR and media activity of churches in The Netherlands and their potential use in Transylvania/ Romania. Research questions are: how to develop a functional PR and media system? What are the nesessary means to build connections to the public media? How to use media as a mean to transmit the message of the liberal Unitarian church? In the background of this concern stands the question of Unitarianism in Transylvania: how do we offer the message of liberal Christianity to the Romanian society? (note: the Unitarian church in Romania is solely Hungarian)
I met Orsolya in May at the headquaters of the HUC in Cluj- Napoca and we had a important chat about her topic and the possibilities for her research in The Netherlands. The PR campaign of the Remonstrants can be very helpful for her topic and will challenge more international contacts between the Remonstrants and the Liberals in Romania along the old line of IARF and in the field of ICUU. Orsolya will deliver the sermon in different services, in the Waalse Kerk, Oude Delft 177 in Delft (Liberal Protestants, VVP) 15th October 10.00 am.
(Tina Geels)