Anne Claar Thomasson-Rosingh
My PhD research was in the interplay between Feminist Theology and Basil of Caesarea’s De Spiritu Sancto (a treatise on the Holy Spirit written around 376 in Capadocia – now Central Turkey). The PhD had an emphasis on the gifts of the Spirit. It has been published as Searching for the Holy Spirit. At Sarum I teach Biblical Studies. I have revived my interest in Hebrew and done some initial research in Isaiah, Romans and Matthew. I am looking into the interrelationship between the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. I am researching the laws prohibiting taking interest on loans.
- Anne Claar Rosingh (2007), ‘A Silent God’, in Preek der Preken. Online eigentijdse overdenkingen en meditaties van remonstrantse predikanten, red. T. Mikkers. [Sermon in a one-copy book for Mijnke Bosman-Huizinga, now published on the internet.
- Anne Claar Rosingh (2008), ‘Enthousiast of ingetogen. De ontmoeting met Jezus’, in Een mens – vol van Geest; Jezus in Woord en beeld, red. B. Dicou en J. Goud, Zoetermeer: Meinema. [Article on the difference in the experience of Jesus between Evangelicals and Liberals in a book about Jesus]
- Anne Claar Thomasson-Rosingh (2014), ‘Self-supporting bishops’ in Theology 117, 275-277.
- Anne Claar Thomasson-Rosingh (2014), Searching for the Holy Spirit: Feminist Theology and Traditional Doctrine, Oxford: Routledge.
- Re-imagining the Bible for Today, met Bert Dicou en Sigrid Coenradie, London 2017
- Weg met de bijbel. Gids voor vrijzinnig bijbellezen, met Bet Dicou en Sigrid Coenradie, Utrecht 2017